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If you want to run the tutorials with an Informix database, complete the instructions below.

1. If you have not already done so, set database-specific environment variables:
C Shell: setenv INFORMIXDIR informix_directory
Bourne/Korn Shell: INFORMIXDIR=informix_directory
where informix_directory is the directory containing the etc/sqlhosts file.
2. Since tutorials require data from a database, as well as dynamic SQL and stored procedures to manipulate the data, you will have to load a set of tables which are supplied with the Sapphire/Web distribution. Unless you have an "sa" account on the database, your database administrator will have to perform this step.
At the command line, type:

	$SAPPHIRE/bin/build_pubs2_inf server
server: the server where the pubs2 database is to be imported
Note: If you already have a database called pubs2, you will need to remove it before running these scripts.
3. To load the tutorial's DSQL Objects into the correct location, type the following at the command line:
	$SAPPHIRE/bin/install_db server owner I
server: the server where the imported pubs2 database is located.
owner: the username of the owner of the pubs2 database.
I: Vendor Type should always be I for Informix.
4. Copy the DSQL Objects into your DSQLDIR by typing:
	cp $SAPPHIRE/tutorials/dsql/* $HOME/dsql
5. Finally, grant connect privileges to all potential users of the pubs2 database.

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